21.   Difficulties arise in patients who are grossly obese and in those who have undergone extensive surgery in the upper abdomen.

22.   These difficulties may arise especially when the program in question turns out to be more useful and successful than the parties originally envisaged.

23.   But where a disease is contracted by the defendant, more intractable difficulties arise.

24.   Difficulties arise where there is more than one defendant.

25.   Particular difficulties had arisen with respect to the application of the test to shared accommodation and multi-occupation.

26.   Procedural difficulties can arise when the imposed conditions are unsteady, but we need not consider such situations here.

27.   Difficulties also arise in the case of damage done in the past, or when the effects do not manifest themselves for some time.

28.   Difficulties had arisen over the Globe Hotel in February last year and we have been forced to move yet again.

29.   If no particular difficulties arise at the time of the rent review the costs of the arbitration need not be great since evidence and submissions can be presented informally.

30.   Difficulties can arise when there is more than one defendant.

n. + arise >>共 680
problem 16.26%
question 8.78%
issue 4.87%
opportunity 3.74%
dispute 3.69%
need 3.47%
situation 2.53%
conflict 2.40%
difficulty 1.94%
controversy 1.72%
difficulty + v. >>共 200
be 43.38%
arise 6.62%
lie 3.40%
remain 2.57%
come 2.39%
have 1.65%
make 1.38%
begin 1.19%
force 1.19%
prevent 1.10%
每页显示:    共 72