1.   Already in arrears to its station program, the difficulties forced the Russian government to cut its space budget.

2.   Earlier this week, the difficulty forced the Mir crew to begin igniting lithium perchlorate candles to generate oxygen for breathing.

3.   Money difficulties have forced the sale or closure of parts of the enterprise.

4.   The difficulties forced Linenger to temporarily suspend his scientific research activities, but he made up for lost time and completed much of his ambitious experiment agenda.

5.   The production difficulties have since forced the company to take billions of dollars in charges against earnings.

6.   Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Michael Doubleday said Tuesday that a technical difficulty forced the Army to scratch its first attempt Saturday night.

7.   But deepening economic difficulties forced it to change its position, officials in Seoul say.

8.   Cuba wants to increase oil output since economic difficulties have forced it to slash imports in recent years.

9.   Djamaludin said financial difficulties were forcing firms to lay off workers.

10.   Sponsor difficulties in Europe forced cancellation of the entire December schedule.

n. + force >>共 1720
injury 2.67%
weather 1.92%
government 1.89%
problem 1.57%
rain 1.53%
police 1.46%
pressure 1.36%
crisis 1.25%
competition 0.96%
law 0.93%
difficulty 0.16%
difficulty + v. >>共 200
be 43.38%
arise 6.62%
lie 3.40%
remain 2.57%
come 2.39%
have 1.65%
make 1.38%
begin 1.19%
force 1.19%
prevent 1.10%
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