21.   Sprinkle with fleur de sel, and serve immediately.

22.   Sprinkle with parsley, and serve, passing a small dish of fleur de sel at the table.

23.   Sprinkling a little fleur de sel over a warm rich cake is an easy flourish.

24.   Sprinkle with fleur de sel, olive oil, vinegar, candied lemon peel and hazelnuts.

25.   Sprinkle with fleur de sel plus another pinch each of sesame seeds and pistachios.

26.   Sprinkle with a little hazelnut oil, a pinch of crushed hazelnuts, fleur de sel and black pepper.

27.   Sprinkle with fleur de sel, if desired.

28.   The fleur de sel is sprinkled on the blinchick teaser, a cup filled with caramel foam, molasses jelly, pears, coconut juice and vanilla ice cream.

29.   Then there are devotees like Wayne Nish, the chef at March, who uses fleur de sel more than any other salt in his kitchen.

30.   They are sprinkled with fleur de sel and coarse pepper.

n. + sel >>共 2
de 55.93%
fleur 44.07%
de + n. >>共 2049
los 3.99%
la 2.94%
en 1.73%
sel 0.87%
que 0.79%
cuisine 0.68%
e 0.55%
rigeur 0.53%
y 0.53%
mission 0.50%
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