21.   She has concentrated primarily on antitrust and consumer affairs cases.

22.   She will replace Jose Maldonado, appointed commissioner of consumer affairs two weeks ago.

23.   The banks are working on getting technology to organize the consumers financial affairs.

24.   The federal prosecutor for consumer affairs filed suit against Vicky Form, arguing that the billboards were deceptive to consumers.

25.   Then, she moved on to Atlantic Richfield Co., where she eventually became director of consumer affairs.

26.   Valerie Svilarich, director, consumer affairs.

27.   Azmin said Ummi told him the letter was drafted by Megat Junid Megat Ayob, a Cabinet minister in charge of consumer affairs and a close Mahathir associate.

28.   Azmin said Ummi told him the letter was drafted by Megat Junit, a Cabinet minister in charge of consumer affairs and a close Mahathir associate.

29.   Bonino is EU commissioner for fisheries, consumer affairs and humanitarian aid.

30.   Christopher L. Irving, director of consumer affairs at Publishers Clearing House, said the majority of people who return their sweepstakes entries do so without ordering.

n. + affair >>共 355
world 14.48%
business 8.19%
security 4.69%
government 4.61%
community 3.66%
student 3.58%
consumer 3.18%
team 1.75%
development 1.59%
tax 1.35%
consumer + n. >>共 520
confidence 10.82%
group 9.14%
price 6.98%
demand 6.76%
advocate 6.33%
product 4.03%
electronics 2.39%
market 2.14%
company 1.82%
sentiment 1.34%
affair 0.29%
每页显示:    共 40