world affair 11.98   He closely monitored world affairs.
  business affair 6.78   He has since concentrated on his business affairs.
  security affair 3.88   Samuel Berger, assistant for national security affairs.
  government affair 3.82   That secrecy extends to government affairs.
  community affair 3.03   -- Are active in community affairs.
  student affair 2.96   Christine Wilkinson, the vice president for student affairs, said no.
  consumer affair 2.63   Fisheries, consumer affairs.
  team affair 1.45   Under the deal, Kroenke would have no active role in team affairs.
  development affair 1.32   Lukman Mokoginta of Commission D for development affairs agreed.
  tax affair 1.12   I spent the weekend sorting out my tax affairs.
  veteran affair 1.12   Project on veterans affairs.
  personnel affair 0.66   Maria Buncamper-Molanus will be state secretary for personnel affairs.
  police affair 0.66   Liberal Democrat spokesman on police affairs, Alan Beith, also called for Howard to go.
  youth affair 0.66   The G M B is a legal union in youth affairs.
  city affair 0.59   Kuranty was mainly distributed in Moscow and focused on city affairs.
  corruption affair 0.59   Fed up, parliament last year launch an investigation into his alleged involvement in two corruption affairs.
  health affair 0.59   He held the concurrent position of director of urban health affairs at NYU Medical Center.
  office affair 0.59   No office affairs.
  minority affair 0.53   Chinese officials in charge of security, religious and minority affairs refused to be interviewed about the unrest.
  palace affair 0.53   Earlier this year, the royal astrologers again seemed to play a role in palace affairs.
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