21.   Clinical research in the past four years has revealed no known side effects, yet anecdotal evidence suggests that creatine predisposes its users to muscle tears and cramps.

22.   Clinical research associates are specialists who collect and verify the data from physicians and nurses during clinical trials.

23.   Clinical research occupies a narrow sliver of the medical endeavor.

24.   Currently, taxol with cisplatin has proven to be the most effective in trials conducted by the Gynecologic Oncology Group, a collaborative clinical research group.

25.   Congress could also reduce subsidies for low-priority clinical research by requiring hospitals to submit proposals to the NIH for funding on a competitive basis.

26.   Dodrill wrote many articles on his clinical research in cardiac surgery.

27.   Dr. Richard Wurtman, director of the clinical research center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

28.   Dr. Martin Hirsch, director of clinical AIDS research at Massachusetts General Hospital, agrees.

29.   Dr. Randall Whitcomb, a Parke-Davis clinical research director, was in charge of delivering bad news about Rezulin.

30.   Drug companies might accept new rules or guidelines for the protection of patients in clinical research, Spilker said, but they but see no need for new laws.

a. + research >>共 1316
new 6.44%
medical 5.98%
scientific 5.75%
further 2.91%
recent 2.76%
basic 2.00%
extensive 1.75%
biomedical 1.52%
previous 1.50%
genetic 1.30%
clinical 0.87%
clinical + n. >>共 402
trial 41.97%
study 4.62%
psychologist 4.33%
depression 3.07%
research 2.24%
test 2.21%
sign 1.58%
practice 1.41%
professor 1.35%
evidence 0.89%
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