21.   More Wisconsin children are benefiting from summer nutrition programs, according to a report released Thursday by the Food Research and Action Center.

22.   Not all parents could, or would wish to, adopt this model, but some research hints that children benefit from egalitarian co-parenting.

23.   Other children can also benefit from exposure to valid interracial experiences by broadening their understanding of our society.

24.   Parents who believe their children would benefit from exposure to the performing arts are often unsure of the best way -- and when -- to provide it.

25.   She said her three children have benefited from the visitors, and the group is especially seeking families with children as hosts.

26.   Some educators say that city children especially benefit from electronic links to a larger scholarly universe.

27.   Still, Mrs. Salthouse said her children had benefited from taking the SAT repeatedly over time.

28.   Sure, some children might benefit over the long term by an additional helping of calcium, zinc or vitamin A.

29.   The lawmakers insisted that more children would benefit from the legislation.

30.   The program provides the horses at no cost to disabled children, to be kept as long as the child benefits from the relationship.

n. + benefit >>共 1097
company 7.65%
stock 3.10%
consumer 2.27%
dollar 2.12%
proceeds 1.71%
market 1.22%
industry 1.15%
bank 1.15%
country 1.09%
people 1.07%
child 0.94%
child + v. >>共 664
be 21.23%
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die 2.28%
learn 2.19%
play 2.12%
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get 1.90%
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