21.   I think the secret taper has a serious character flaw.

22.   It was a character flaw, but it was also part of what made him interesting on the screen.

23.   It was that kind of all-knowing arrogance that Mulholland displayed late in his life that were his character flaws.

24.   Just as many mental illnesses were transformed from character flaws to chemical imbalances by the advent of effective psychotropic drugs, so too may sexual problems be transfigured.

25.   Notice the character flaw running right through the Brown women as clearly as their high cheek bones.

26.   One of her most telling character flaws, she says, is the way she relishes the I-told-you-so moment.

27.   One character flaw that was mentioned time and again was arrogance.

28.   Roger Burchett, another member of the Royal Oak American Legion group, says women get past character flaws more easily, and that exacerbates the gender gap.

29.   Sharif is now out of the picture, so his character flaws may mainly be of interest to historians.

30.   Some see it as a character flaw.

n. + flaw >>共 60
design 25.61%
security 18.95%
character 16.84%
figure 3.51%
construction 2.81%
software 2.81%
personality 2.46%
swing 2.11%
computer 1.75%
gene 1.40%
character + n. >>共 351
actor 11.35%
development 6.86%
issue 6.54%
witness 4.81%
study 4.49%
flaw 3.78%
trait 3.55%
education 2.36%
role 2.21%
reference 1.65%
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