design flaw 4.81   There are other design flaws.
  security flaw 3.55   The codes are also the key to finding security flaws in those programs.
  character flaw 3.16   Some see it as a character flaw.
  figure flaw 0.66   Figure flaw?
  construction flaw 0.53   The German shipyard Meyer-Werft has denied any construction flaws.
  software flaw 0.53   PGP Security, which discovered the BIND software flaws, is a division of Network Associates.
  personality flaw 0.46   I honor my personality flaws for without them I would have no personality at all.
  swing flaw 0.39   Jones said his game came apart because of two swing flaws.
  computer flaw 0.33   Now that the new year has arrived without notable computer flaws, he has junked that forecast.
  gene flaw 0.26   In cloned humans, Jaenisch said the gene expression flaws could affect personality, intelligence and other human attributes.
  safety flaw 0.26   SUVs have their own special safety flaw.
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