21.   But then I recall their lovely blue flowers and I cannot do it.

22.   Chionodoxa sardensis has intense blue flowers while Chionodoxa luciliae has larger paler blue stars with white centers.

23.   Destiny Floral Design of Mesa supplied white baskets of blue silk flowers.

24.   Experts agree that blue flowers alone together in a monochromatic garden are a downer.

25.   Her silver casket at the front of the chapel was adorned with an arrangement of blue flowers, her favorite color.

26.   In the spring, the plant produces pale blue flowers.

27.   It all began in early winter when my local florist had the most beautiful rosemary topiary just dripping with irresistible blue flowers.

28.   Its glossy forest-green leaves were thick with deep blue flowers, which gave no sign of the lack of rain.

29.   Its light blue flowers bloom in summer.

30.   It was hard to remember that this moth-eaten plant, come late summer, would be covered with deep luminescent blue flowers.

a. + flower >>共 733
fresh 6.35%
white 5.64%
yellow 3.67%
pink 2.36%
dried 2.12%
red 2.08%
blue 1.87%
silk 1.76%
tiny 1.73%
small 1.69%
blue + n. >>共 1344
eye 7.88%
line 7.57%
sky 7.34%
suit 3.29%
shirt 2.54%
light 2.05%
uniform 1.65%
helmet 1.47%
blazer 1.40%
water 1.21%
flower 0.72%
每页显示:    共 53