1.   Centaury got its name from the centaur, which cured itself from a poisoned dart with this pink flower.

2.   Eventually the banana will send out a large pink flower.

3.   On the window-sill was a potted geranium, still in pink flower.

4.   The bedroom is wallpapered, both on walls and ceiling, with a delicate tiny pink flower motif on a white background.

5.   The church was full of pink flowers - her favourite colour.

6.   ...dainty pink flowers.

7.   Her hair was decorated with dainty pink flowers.

8.   In other parts of the garden there are more shade-loving plants such as bergenias, Dicentra eximia with pink flowers and the large-leaved gunnera.

a. + flower >>共 733
fresh 6.35%
white 5.64%
yellow 3.67%
pink 2.36%
dried 2.12%
red 2.08%
blue 1.87%
silk 1.76%
tiny 1.73%
small 1.69%
pink + n. >>共 776
rose 3.35%
flower 3.30%
jersey 3.05%
dress 2.31%
flamingo 2.17%
shirt 1.87%
suit 1.48%
ribbon 1.33%
color 0.84%
sheet 0.84%
每页显示:    共 67