21.   Add garlic when oil is hot, stirring once.

22.   Add garlic, herbs and seasoning to taste.

23.   Add garlic, Worcestershire sauce and thyme, keeping the pot covered as much as possible.

24.   Add remaining garlic, shallots and mushrooms and cook, stirring, until shallots are transparent.

25.   Add the garlic and cook for a minute or two.

26.   Add the garlic and cook several minutes.

27.   Add the garlic and cook until it is lightly browned.

28.   Add the garlic and toss until fragrant, about a minute more, then add the sage and lemon peel.

29.   Add the garlic to the chicken when it has browned.

30.   Add the garlic to the pan.

v. + garlic >>共 122
add 21.41%
mince 5.69%
chop 4.56%
remove 3.87%
crush 3.42%
use 3.42%
discard 2.28%
place 2.28%
saute 2.28%
peel 2.05%
add + n. >>共 1277
water 1.80%
run 1.20%
goal 1.15%
oil 1.04%
sugar 0.96%
assist 0.93%
voice 0.90%
name 0.86%
job 0.83%
salt 0.83%
garlic 0.42%
每页显示:    共 93