11.   The company must be an unquoted UK-resident company, and a trading company or the holding company of a trading group.

12.   Newco will usually be acquiring a trade and will therefore be a trading company rather than an investment company from the outset.

13.   Already, some energy trading companies are having a difficult time making long-term trades, because their credit ratings have fallen below investment grade.

14.   Also in high demand this week were shares of Rolimpex SA, a wheat trading company.

15.   Analysts are skeptical that shipments will resume tomorrow, as Japanese trading companies had indicated earlier this month.

16.   An untold share was siphoned into offshore trading companies, split between unscrupulous managers and their shady Western trading partners.

17.   And big industrial trading companies like Mitsubishi and Matsui are important players in South African business.

18.   And more than other trading companies, Sumitomo has been rapidly expanding its copper business lately, stockpiling and blanketing copper buyers with an assertive sales strategy.

19.   And though he mentioned the collapse of the energy trading company Enron, he did not openly use the company as a political cudgel against the Bush administration.

20.   And trading companies can use so-called prudency reserves to protect against market risks, like the inability to exit a trading position at a good price.

a. + company >>共 660
insurance 5.96%
the 4.70%
new 3.88%
foreign 3.26%
private 3.26%
japanese 2.69%
american 2.14%
small 1.80%
big 1.78%
pharmaceutical 1.69%
trading 0.52%
trading + n. >>共 726
partner 10.53%
volume 7.16%
day 5.58%
system 4.28%
company 4.04%
floor 3.14%
house 3.01%
session 2.98%
deadline 2.94%
activity 2.74%
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