11.   Last year, genetic testing of Adelina showed she is from a population of loggerheads from Japan.

12.   Lieberman said that national testing in fact showed an improvement in the scores of public school students.

13.   Neurological testing has shown that local people have been affected.

14.   Officials also disclosed that early testing has shown that the anthrax samples found in media offices in New York and Florida were of the same strain.

15.   Other testing has shown some problems may be worse than reported.

16.   Preliminary testing showed that all three treatments contained unspecified lesser amounts of the drugs than they were represented to contain.

17.   Recent international testing showed continued mediocre results for U.S. students.

18.   The new testing has shown high levels of pollutants in soil and groundwater in the Norledge area, Benson said.

19.   The ruling enraged soybean farmers like Falcao, who believes ample testing shows that transgenic seeds are safe for the environment and consumers.

20.   Additional testing later showed that there was little real gold and it was uneconomical to mine.

v. + show >>共 111
testing 12.29%
test 9.32%
poll 5.08%
manufacture 4.66%
fighting 3.81%
spending 3.81%
be 3.39%
do 2.12%
monitoring 2.12%
say 1.69%
testing + v. >>共 135
be 34.19%
begin 5.27%
show 4.63%
take 2.88%
become 2.56%
find 2.40%
reveal 2.08%
prove 1.92%
confirm 1.92%
have 1.60%
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