testing show 1.91   Initial testing showed the catch was safe to eat.
  test show 1.45   Testing shows the sugar in their blood gradually rising.
  poll show 0.79   The NYT lead also comments that polling shows many races to be very close.
  manufacture show 0.72   Along with housing, manufacturing is showing strength.
  fighting show 0.59   The fighting shows no signs of slowing.
  spending show 0.59   And capital spending is also showing signs of increasing after several years of decline.
  be show 0.53   But apparel being shown here this week seems more confusing than comforting.
  do show 0.33   What Brenly was doing was showing his faith in Kim.
  monitoring show 0.33   The latest monitoring of Norledge shows the plume of pollutants has shrunk, Dunlap said.
  say show 0.26   Haxhiu dismissed the idea saying Milosevic was showing his Balkan mentality.
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