11.   The county does appoint lawyers to people facing either civil contempt charges or those in danger of having their parental rights terminated.

12.   The measure would make it easier for state authorities to terminate the rights of parents who have abused their children.

13.   These databanks would allow courts to terminate parental rights more easily and hand over children for adoption if the fathers can be quickly found, Bush said.

14.   Under the model law, if a father could not be found, his rights would be terminated.

15.   Unlike the finality of terminating parental rights in family court, guardianship could be overturned if John and Coby changed their ways.

16.   Under the Connecticut plan, the state would no longer have to wait one year from the first reports of negligence or abuse before terminating parental rights.

17.   Gilman also pointed out that judges decide whether to remove children from their homes or terminate parental rights after hearings in which children and parents are represented by lawyers.

18.   The state, after ensuring the child does not require medical care, will place the infant in foster care while officials terminate parental rights.

v. + right >>共 447
have 32.77%
reserve 3.29%
protect 2.51%
violate 2.22%
support 2.05%
win 1.88%
retain 1.82%
exercise 1.68%
waive 1.51%
defend 1.38%
terminate 0.10%
terminate + n. >>共 208
contract 22.69%
pregnancy 9.34%
agreement 7.04%
deal 3.52%
service 3.03%
lease 2.79%
benefit 2.43%
right 2.18%
program 1.94%
talk 1.70%
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