11.   In Grozny, the occasional stray bit of shrapnel is taken as just another tough fact of life, rather like ice on the road.

a. + bit >>共 809
good 4.07%
last 3.63%
tiny 3.59%
small 3.01%
the 2.97%
wee 2.92%
little 2.92%
browned 2.52%
slightest 2.35%
fair 1.42%
stray 0.49%
stray + n. >>共 266
bullet 24.95%
dog 17.12%
cat 4.59%
shell 2.88%
missile 2.34%
animal 2.25%
round 1.80%
bomb 1.62%
mortar 1.44%
fire 1.35%
bit 0.99%
每页显示:    共 11