11.   Russia-NATO standoff has implications for Kosovo future.

12.   The standoff has Gov. Gary Locke threatening to keep lawmakers in Olympia indefinitely.

13.   The standoff has strained relations already made tense by derogatory remarks about government officials allegedly made by Lt. Gen. Earl Hailston, commander of the U.S. forces on Okinawa.

14.   Vice Prime Minister Pavel Rychetsky warned in an interview with the newspaper Hospodarske Noviny that the standoff could have broader impact on the country.

15.   The political standoff has left employees worried about home mortgages, car payments and other mounting bills.

16.   Sharon said the Ramallah standoff had nothing to do with any feelings he might harbor toward Arafat.

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people 1.78%
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standoff + v. >>共 141
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