standoff be 6.58   The standoff is over.
  standoff continue 5.92   Standoff continues.
  standoff begin 5.20   The standoff began.
  standoff end 4.41   The standoff ended Friday.
  standoff ensue 1.45   A standoff ensued.
  standoff lead 1.12   The standoff has led to frequent strikes.
  standoff develop 1.05   We have the latest pictures from Papette as the standoff develops.
  standoff have 1.05   The current standoff is having a similar effect.
  standoff drag 0.99   He warned Monday that the standoff may drag on.
  standoff follow 0.79   Under his guidance the miners call a strike, and a long standoff follows.
  standoff last 0.79   The standoff lasted about an hour.
  standoff come 0.72   Such standoffs come at a perilous time for airlines in Asia.
  standoff threaten 0.72   Kosovo airport standoff threatens start of talks.
  standoff go 0.59   But still the standoff goes on.
  standoff turn 0.53   Wednesday night it appeared that the standoff could turn vicious at any moment.
  standoff raise 0.46   The standoff has raised fears in the region of a war.
  standoff remain 0.46   The standoff remained peaceful.
  standoff become 0.39   The Waco standoff in particular has become a rallying point for militia groups.
  standoff bring 0.39   The standoff has brought criticism to both sides.
  standoff explode 0.39   On Tuesday, the standoff exploded in gunfire.
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