11.   Somebody has to sacrifice themselves by squatting over a picnic sheet for hours and hours to claim the right to spaces before parties begin.

v. + over >>共 975
take 6.05%
hand 4.63%
divide 2.08%
fight 1.81%
look 1.71%
develop 1.09%
disagree 0.91%
win 0.88%
cook 0.87%
resign 0.80%
squat 0.03%
squat + p. >>共 36
on 33.08%
in 23.85%
down 10.26%
beside 3.59%
behind 3.08%
over 2.82%
with 2.82%
by 2.31%
at 1.79%
outside 1.79%
每页显示:    共 11