squat on 8.49   Hovels squat on dirt lots.
  squat in 6.12   Others squat in a corner.
  squat down 2.63   She had squatted down on her heels.
  squat beside 0.92   He squatted down beside the little girl.
  squat behind 0.79   Squatting behind the bars, she remained still.
  squat over 0.72   She was stark naked, squatting over some stones and defecating.
  squat with 0.72   He squats with his bat in front of him.
  squat by 0.59   Ritchie squatted down by the door, chapped lips grim.
  squat at 0.46   A little boy was squatting at the edge of the pool.
  squat outside 0.46   Flower sellers squatted outside the cemetery in the mud.
  squat in_front_of 0.39   Athelstan left his desk and squatted in front of Rastani.
  squat before 0.26   Children playing, men with wooden spears, women squatting before stones and grinding nuts into meal.
  squat near 0.26   They settled in the fields in makeshift tents, squatting near their vehicles.
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