11.   Spread thin slices of chewy, dark bread with butter.

12.   Spread two slices of bread with mayonnaise then top one with sliced Spam and bananas sliced in rounds.

13.   Spread each slice of bread with goat cheese, sprinkle with some of the ground mixture and place on the baking sheet.

14.   Spread slices of bread lightly with butter and then add smoked salmon in a very thin layer.

15.   Spread all slices with remoulade, then top half of them with avocado, drained and patted-dry fennel, and crab.

16.   Spread another slice of bread with mustard.

17.   Spread each slice with a little tapenade, top with a dollop of soft goat cheese and garnish with minced red onion.

18.   Spread the slices evenly in a single layer on baking sheets.

19.   Toast the bread, then spread each slice with Anchovy Spread and scatter with the toasted walnuts.

v. + slice >>共 240
arrange 7.88%
place 6.67%
cut 4.24%
serve 3.64%
add 3.27%
get 2.79%
take 2.67%
put 2.55%
spread 2.30%
want 2.06%
spread + n. >>共 1101
word 6.84%
disease 5.56%
message 3.32%
virus 3.12%
rumor 2.14%
risk 2.10%
mixture 1.94%
wing 1.50%
wealth 1.34%
fear 1.22%
slice 0.38%
每页显示:    共 19