11.   Competition for spots in the rotation last month prompted the soft-spoken Tennessee native to sound off uncharacteristically while on the disabled list.

v. + off >>共 462
lay 5.85%
cut 5.13%
set 4.53%
kick 3.62%
touch 3.30%
fight 2.65%
pay 2.52%
close 2.39%
break 2.10%
call 1.86%
sound 0.03%
sound + p. >>共 61
like 79.66%
in 5.26%
to 2.06%
on 1.71%
at 1.45%
for 1.32%
as 1.20%
of 0.88%
from 0.73%
about 0.65%
off 0.22%
每页显示:    共 11