11.   Two bombs exploded next to two Jewish settler buses in the Gaza Strip Tuesday, wounding at least several people, Israeli radio networks reported.

12.   An Israeli military spokesman said a Jewish settler bus was attacked late Wednesday on its way to Maaleh Shomron settlement, near the Palestinian self-rule town of Qalqilya.

n. + bus >>共 215
tour 17.24%
team 12.21%
city 10.97%
shuttle 9.45%
passenger 8.39%
tourist 5.02%
double-decker 3.59%
commuter 3.00%
campaign 2.53%
police 2.12%
settler 0.55%
settler + n. >>共 153
leader 28.89%
enclave 8.53%
spokesman 8.53%
compound 5.32%
movement 3.91%
group 2.51%
source 2.41%
community 2.11%
woman 1.91%
protest 1.50%
bus 1.20%
每页显示:    共 12