11.   The project includes intricate, interlocking woodcarving to seal the wood in place.

12.   The sealer by its very nature seals the wood, preventing any paint or stain from working.

13.   The semitransparent stain will also seal the wood.

14.   These problems occur because the new door was installed without sealing the wood with either varnish or paint.

15.   To avoid this unevenness, apply a sanding sealer, which will seal the wood enough so stain will go on evenly.

16.   This will seal the wood to allow a more even penetration, but not enough to keep the stain from penetrating.

v. + wood >>共 339
use 6.53%
chop 4.68%
cut 3.61%
collect 2.44%
buy 2.14%
get 1.56%
seal 1.56%
have 1.46%
protect 1.36%
stain 1.36%
seal + n. >>共 540
border 8.96%
victory 7.93%
deal 6.23%
fate 4.29%
win 4.25%
agreement 2.51%
record 2.24%
area 1.63%
document 1.37%
office 1.18%
wood 0.61%
每页显示:    共 16