use wood 4.41   What wood should be used?
  chop wood 3.16   Chopping wood.
  cut wood 2.44   He fished and cut wood.
  collect wood 1.65   He collected wood to make a fire.
  buy wood 1.45   They buy the wood in large quantities.
  get wood 1.05   We got woods.
  seal wood 1.05   The contractor sealed the wood.
  have wood 0.99   It has woods.
  protect wood 0.92   Protect the wood against water penetration.
  stain wood 0.92   The wood is already stained.
  burn wood 0.86   They burned the wood at home.
  remove wood 0.86   Be careful not to remove any wood.
  replace wood 0.86   I replaced the wood about five years ago.
  split wood 0.79   Husband goes out to split wood.
  treat wood 0.79   The wood was treated with preservative.
  penetrate wood 0.72   I was walking away when a soft rap penetrated the hard wood.
  search wood 0.72   In the spring, she searched the woods for mushrooms with her father, Ed.
  enter wood 0.66   Three of my men entered the woods, and we heard an ex-tremely loud explosion.
  rot wood 0.59   A slick green oilcloth of mold was rotting the wood beneath.
  darken wood 0.53   The wax darkened the wood in the gaps, disguising them.
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