11.   The Salt Lake scandal also has touched the USOC.

12.   The scandal has touched several areas of government.

13.   The scandal has also touched Kim, with opposition legislators demanding a probe into whether any of the money went to his election campaign.

n. + touch >>共 859
foot 2.43%
hand 2.22%
talk 2.06%
issue 1.32%
ball 1.27%
people 1.22%
finger 1.16%
decision 0.95%
case 0.95%
death 0.85%
scandal 0.69%
scandal + v. >>共 444
be 13.00%
break 8.60%
erupt 3.50%
come 2.76%
have 2.76%
force 2.23%
lead 2.20%
involve 2.01%
taint 1.38%
prompt 1.34%
touch 0.48%
每页显示:    共 13