11.   Critics say that does little to discourage a suicide bomber.

12.   Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel said whoever did it was blind to the lessons from German history.

13.   Provincial officials say the hunting would not be a threat to the elephant population if done on a controlled basis, Lusa said.

14.   Sixty-nine percent said doing business in Italy was more difficult than in other European countries.

15.   I can only say well done to them.

16.   I saw him afterwards and he said well done.

v. + do >>共 457
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better 2.16%
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die 1.42%
say 1.08%
say + v. >>共 875
be 17.85%
have 2.67%
fight 2.22%
quote 1.92%
make 1.90%
allow 1.52%
unite 1.45%
find 1.42%
add 1.35%
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