11.   Rising bankruptcies and weakness in the construction industry kept unemployment at high levels, analysts said.

a. + bankruptcy >>共 273
personal 14.24%
federal 11.27%
corporate 9.43%
new 3.32%
largest 3.06%
biggest 2.27%
possible 2.27%
fraudulent 1.48%
municipal 1.40%
recent 1.31%
rising 0.96%
rising + n. >>共 868
price 7.48%
cost 6.50%
star 4.16%
rate 3.58%
tension 3.53%
unemployment 3.29%
crime 2.81%
inflation 2.71%
tide 2.62%
number 2.47%
bankruptcy 0.12%
每页显示:    共 11