personal bankruptcy 10.73   Personal bankruptcies are up.
  federal bankruptcy 8.49   Federal bankruptcy judges serve specific terms.
  corporate bankruptcy 7.11   Corporate bankruptcies increased last year.
  new bankruptcy 2.50   A new bankruptcy law will be essential to this.
  largest bankruptcy 2.30   Enron collapsed last year in the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.
  biggest bankruptcy 1.71   And the United States gets its biggest bankruptcy ever.
  possible bankruptcy 1.71   It is a step toward possible bankruptcy.
  fraudulent bankruptcy 1.12   His wife is charged with complicity in fraudulent bankruptcy.
  municipal bankruptcy 1.05   Municipal bankruptcies and defaults are extremely rare.
  imminent bankruptcy 0.99   Peterson is writing about the imminent bankruptcy of Medicare.
  recent bankruptcy 0.99   The movie theater chains are coming out of their recent bankruptcy phase.
  involuntary bankruptcy 0.92   Two years later, the company filed for involuntary bankruptcy.
  major bankruptcy 0.92   Major bankruptcies have not been confined to the construction industry.
  prepackaged bankruptcy 0.79   The move will likely result in a prepackaged bankruptcy filing, the person said.
  moral bankruptcy 0.72   That moral bankruptcy is why he must go.
  rising bankruptcy 0.72   These rising bankruptcies are costing creditors money.
  big bankruptcy 0.66   The feared riot was avoided, but that was the last big bankruptcy in Sichuan Province.
  national bankruptcy 0.66   That way lies national bankruptcy and political upheaval.
  record bankruptcy 0.66   The losses were a result of record personal bankruptcy filings.
  impending bankruptcy 0.59   The owners, unified in impending bankruptcy.
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