11.   Priority is to go to education projects that will help war-weary fighters rejoin civilian society.

v. + society >>共 409
transform 2.97%
change 2.88%
protect 2.61%
create 2.16%
divide 2.07%
reflect 1.89%
help 1.62%
join 1.53%
build 1.53%
benefit 1.44%
rejoin 0.99%
rejoin + n. >>共 192
team 30.04%
club 5.55%
talk 3.86%
family 3.62%
teammate 2.17%
party 2.17%
group 2.05%
race 2.05%
lineup 1.69%
government 1.57%
society 1.33%
每页显示:    共 11