transform society 2.17   Tholutions are transforming society.
  change society 2.11   Can it change society?
  protect society 1.91   Society must be protected.
  create society 1.58   The Internet has created a society voracious of information.
  divide society 1.51   The upcoming strike has divided Spanish society.
  reflect society 1.38   He reflects the society.
  help society 1.18   Will it help society?
  build society 1.12   Their whole society was built around their religious beliefs.
  join society 1.12   When you join the society, you will be issued a membership card.
  benefit society 1.05   See, the X Games can benefit society.
  dominate society 1.05   Class dominates our society.
  mirror society 0.92   The NFL mirrors society.
  improve society 0.79   But we can improve our society.
  affect society 0.72   The new minor will focus on how the Web has affected society.
  destroy society 0.72   They are destroying our society!
  face society 0.72   He said amusement parks are not immune to the problems facing larger society.
  polarize society 0.72   Society was polarized.
  rejoin society 0.72   For Ms. Sellers, who hopes to rejoin that society, castoffs have a second chance.
  open society 0.66   They are really about the pace at which China will reform its economy and open its society.
  permeate society 0.66   Racism continues to permeate our society.
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