11.   They say the measure would protect religious expression in public schools and other venues from government interference.

12.   He stressed the value of Israel to the United States, called for a law protecting religious expression in the workplace and said ethnic diversity helped make America strong.

13.   Under copyright law, original expression can be protected but ideas, even if original, cannot.

14.   In the past, libel suits have often lasted for months settle and have usually failed to prosper in this country due to the numerous laws protecting free expression.

v. + expression >>共 271
find 7.87%
wear 4.90%
use 4.52%
see 3.23%
show 2.97%
give 2.84%
change 2.84%
have 2.32%
receive 2.06%
draw 2.06%
protect 1.81%
protect + n. >>共 1085
child 3.38%
right 2.90%
environment 2.68%
privacy 2.25%
interest 2.02%
people 1.92%
worker 1.66%
consumer 1.37%
civilian 1.07%
investment 1.06%
expression 0.09%
每页显示:    共 14