find expression 4.02   It also finds expression in public policy.
  wear expression 2.50   And he wears no expression.
  use expression 2.30   We use expressions all the time.
  see expression 1.65   I could not see his expression.
  show expression 1.51   She shows no expression.
  change expression 1.45   Fulmer never changed expression.
  give expression 1.45   How do we give practical expression to this?
  have expression 1.18   We have those expressions of interest.
  draw expression 1.05   The decision drew expressions of outrage.
  receive expression 1.05   He has so far, however, received mainly expressions of sympathy, not support.
  protect expression 0.92   Copyright law protects expression.
  make expression 0.86   Always it is about making an expression.
  prompt expression 0.79   It also prompted expressions of surprise from some experts.
  bring expression 0.72   His announcement brought few expressions of regret.
  stifle expression 0.72   That sounds like a formula easily interpreted to stifle free expression.
  read expression 0.66   I could read his expression.
  allow expression 0.59   Indentations at the corners will allow the expression of the walls as independent planes.
  hear expression 0.59   Have you heard that expression?
  pardon expression 0.59   What a relief, pardon the expression.
  control expression 0.46   You have to learn to control the expression of fear.
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