11.   Corn in the Midwest is nearing the end of its critical pollination phase, when weather has the greatest influence on yields.

12.   He said the Illinois corn crop is nearly through its pollination phase, when plants are most vulnerable to hot weather.

13.   Midwest weather forecasts also include the possible return of blazing heat this weekend and next week, posing a threat to corn plants now entering their vulnerable pollination phase.

14.   The rain also was timely for the corn crop, which is nearing the end of its critical pollination phase.

15.   The crops should benefit from heat -- necessary to corn in its current pollination phase -- and rains over the whole region, Victor added.

n. + phase >>共 299
penalty 12.53%
punishment 5.60%
six-month 2.75%
knockout 2.53%
discovery 2.42%
group 2.31%
recovery 2.20%
consolidation 2.09%
transition 2.09%
design 1.98%
pollination 1.65%
pollination + n. >>共 8
stage 42.11%
phase 26.32%
period 21.05%
process 3.51%
problem 1.75%
service 1.75%
strategy 1.75%
syndrome 1.75%
每页显示:    共 15