11.   They study different time periods.

12.   As for movies, the study found, the amount of sex and violence in the most popular theatrical releases during the same time periods remained unchanged.

13.   Fischer said he had acted with industry support because rice tenders were due next month and trade arrangements with Japan on other commodities were reaching critical time periods.

14.   There are many famous places, time periods, people and important events, which you will find in the game.

n. + time >>共 683
season 10.97%
year 8.36%
injury 3.37%
jail 3.13%
air 3.11%
week 2.64%
prison 1.85%
tee 1.59%
vacation 1.51%
ice 1.50%
period 0.10%
period + n. >>共 146
final 9.90%
last 4.62%
time 4.62%
summer 2.97%
peak 2.64%
rest 2.64%
waiting 2.31%
repayment 1.98%
long 1.98%
cooling-off 1.65%
每页显示:    共 14