period final 1.97   He played most of the final two periods.
  period last 0.92   Both teams were flat for much of the last two periods.
  period time 0.92   They study different time periods.
  period summer 0.59   This is proving difficult during the summer holiday period.
  period peak 0.53   But there are ways to avoid the peak periods.
  period rest 0.53   I sneaked in a few rest periods.
  period waiting 0.46   He supports term limits and opposes abortion and waiting periods for gun purchases.
  period long 0.39   Too little exercise and long periods of immobility also affects bowel habits.
  period repayment 0.39   Both loans will have repayment periods of at least eight years.
  period cooling-off 0.33   Current cooling-off periods at the Big Board are three years.
  period transition 0.33   Sweden perceives that there is a need for transition periods, but not very long ones, said Hjelm-Wallen.
  period blackout 0.26   Some hotels may have blackout periods, so check availability.
  period detention 0.26   The package also cut detention periods to four days at most and expanded the rights of detainees.
  period goal 0.26   Magnus Arvedson scored twice during a four-goal first period as Ottawa won at Phoenix.
  period incubation 0.26   The time lags may reflect the incubation periods of particular infections.
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