11.   He impulsively tested a pencil sharpener at one point and smiled when he found it in fine working order.

12.   He shifts a book nervously from one hand to the other to avoid opening it or stands at the pencil sharpener for minutes at a time.

13.   He was most successful as head of the stenographic department at Sears, Roebuck in Chicago, but inexplicably quit to sell pencil sharpeners.

14.   I doubt he ever used a pencil sharpener in his life, preferring instead to whittle until the point was as he liked it.

15.   Long before there were electric pencil sharpeners with automatic shut off, pencils were ground into points with these handheld, sandpaper-covered paddles.

16.   Particularly if you catch the kids running chopsticks through the pencil sharpener.

17.   Smoothing out that glitch led to second-generation iSmell, a black box that looks a little like an electric pencil sharpener outfitted with the tube from a bronchial inhaler.

18.   Students lingered at the pencil sharpener and fooled around as Moffett took attendance.

19.   The devices found in rural towns were powered by a Christmas tree bulb, just like an industrial design project Helder made out of a pencil sharpener last year.

20.   There, Monkees lunch boxes and Astro Boy pencil sharpeners are worth their weight in rubies.

n. + sharpener >>共 7
pencil 70.97%
knife 9.68%
blade 6.45%
dart 3.23%
diamond 3.23%
drill 3.23%
hone 3.23%
pencil + n. >>共 61
drawing 10.92%
sketch 10.92%
sharpener 9.24%
line 7.98%
eraser 6.30%
mark 5.04%
point 4.62%
case 4.20%
skirt 3.78%
lead 3.36%
每页显示:    共 22