11.   Skilling testified before Congress that he knew few of the details of the partnership transactions.

12.   Telling investigators that he had a hands-off management style, Lay repeatedly said he was unable to recall key details of the partnership transactions.

n. + transaction >>共 256
business 12.21%
cash 5.58%
currency 5.40%
security 4.60%
bank 3.81%
land 2.57%
share 2.39%
property 2.21%
drug 1.86%
credit-card 1.77%
partnership 1.06%
partnership + n. >>共 185
agreement 24.69%
deal 7.78%
accord 3.55%
arrangement 2.73%
program 2.59%
unit 2.46%
interest 2.18%
programme 1.91%
transaction 1.64%
scandal 1.50%
每页显示:    共 12