1.   Northern will be ready with a partnership arrangement in which it and the dairy farmer will work together.

2.   Bob Irelan, managing director of Conoco UK, said partnership arrangements were becoming the norm in North Sea projects.

3.   Berardino said Enron, the energy giant that only months ago seemed to be a prosperous concern, had withheld critical information about at least one partnership arrangement.

4.   After the air war began, Yeltsin pulled Russia out of its partnership arrangement with NATO, a move Clinton wants Yeltsin to reverse.

5.   Earlier this month, TCI announced similar partnership arrangements with Adelphia Communications Corp. and Cablevision Systems Corp.

6.   Increasingly worried, Mintz decided he needed an independent review of the partnership arrangements.

7.   Over the past few years Big Pharma has formed partnership arrangements with a number of biotech companies.

8.   Previously he had pledged to first negotiate a new partnership arrangement with the rest of Canada.

9.   Powers, who led an internal company investigation, said in prepared testimony that Lay approved partnership arrangements by senior executives.

10.   Recent disclosures of internal Andersen documents, however, show the auditors were concerned about Enron partnership arrangements as early as February and considered dropping Enron as a client.

n. + arrangement >>共 531
security 29.19%
funeral 16.16%
flower 3.69%
travel 3.65%
business 1.55%
work 1.02%
trade 0.98%
fee 0.84%
plea 0.81%
credit 0.74%
partnership 0.70%
partnership + n. >>共 185
agreement 24.69%
deal 7.78%
accord 3.55%
arrangement 2.73%
program 2.59%
unit 2.46%
interest 2.18%
programme 1.91%
transaction 1.64%
scandal 1.50%
每页显示:    共 20