11.   Execution will be by firing squad unless the UAE presidency intervenes and pardons the men.

12.   When the accused man, the culprit in a fatal road accident, is pardoned by the elders, the villagers breathe a collective sigh of relief.

v. + man >>共 638
arrest 8.70%
kill 7.52%
see 2.91%
identify 2.48%
shoot 2.47%
charge 2.34%
take 2.21%
detain 1.80%
injure 1.30%
find 1.26%
pardon 0.05%
pardon + n. >>共 106
prisoner 5.33%
man 5.33%
journalist 4.44%
expression 4.00%
convict 4.00%
defendant 2.67%
woman 2.67%
criminal 2.22%
son 2.22%
four 2.22%
每页显示:    共 12