1.   Mubarak is permitted to pardon the convicts, lighten the sentence or send the case back for retrial before different judges.

2.   Under Israeli law, the president can commute life sentences and pardon convicts.

3.   But he expects to be dismissed because, as governor, he has the power to pardon convicts.

4.   President Joseph Estrada, who can grant clemency and save Echegaray from death, has said he would not pardon the convict.

5.   Should the high court uphold the sentence, the case still goes to the Philippine president, who has the power to approve the execution or pardon the convict.

6.   He said Mbeki pardoned the convicts on the basis of criteria including age, time spent in jail, and the circumstances surrounding the offences.

7.   He said Mbeki pardoned the convicts on the basis of their criminal records and criteria including age, time spent in jail and the circumstances surrounding the offences.

8.   The emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Jaber al-Ahmad al-Sabah, can commute the death sentences to prison terms or pardon the convicts.

v. + convict >>共 108
execute 8.37%
pardon 3.96%
release 3.52%
put 3.08%
treat 2.64%
behead 2.64%
include 2.64%
keep 2.64%
hang 2.20%
escape 2.20%
pardon + n. >>共 106
prisoner 5.33%
man 5.33%
journalist 4.44%
expression 4.00%
convict 4.00%
defendant 2.67%
woman 2.67%
criminal 2.22%
son 2.22%
four 2.22%
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