11.   In addition to the United States, the opponents included China, Congo and Sudan.

12.   In Sydney, his leading opponents include Hector Milian of Cuba, Sergei Mourieko of Bulgaria and Giuseppe Giunta of Italy.

13.   In the House, opponents include the two top Democrats, Minority Leader Richard Gephardt, of Missouri, and Democratic Whip David Bonior of Michigan.

14.   Influential Senate Republican opponents include Jon Kyl of Arizona and Phil Gramm of Texas, who view any legalization plan as a magnet for lawbreakers.

15.   Likely opponents include companies that produce the zinc slugs that are used to make pennies.

16.   Opponents included environmentalists who helped create the tire recycling program and neighbors of a Buda cement plant that is testing the use of tires for fuel.

17.   Opponents included lawmakers who criticized provisions they said would hurt children of illegal immigrants.

18.   Opponents included the Christian Coalition, which contended that the measure would hinder its ability to distribute voter guides.

19.   Opponents include Bobby Frankel-trained Timboroa.

20.   Opponents include Darling My Darling, with Smith riding.

n. + include >>共 1161
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symptom 1.06%
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dead 0.87%
opponent 0.16%
opponent + v. >>共 759
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argue 4.74%
have 2.39%
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call 1.53%
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