11.   The musicians want the city to hurry up and clean the corner and make it safer and more attractive.

12.   The musicians want the copyright law changed to designate them the legal authors of their recordings.

13.   The word is that the Philharmonic musicians strongly wanted Muti.

14.   These satisfying musicians wanted to send you home with something to think about.

15.   With rare exceptions, every musician wants to be heard.

n. + want >>共 751
people 6.41%
government 4.57%
company 3.72%
official 2.50%
group 1.94%
leader 1.46%
administration 1.41%
investor 1.24%
owner 1.21%
country 1.21%
musician 0.05%
musician + v. >>共 388
be 16.41%
play 7.06%
have 3.83%
say 2.15%
perform 2.15%
make 1.92%
come 1.38%
take 1.23%
use 1.15%
find 1.15%
want 1.15%
每页显示:    共 15