musician be 14.09   The musician was Marcos!
  musician play 6.06   Musicians play.
  musician have 3.29   Both musicians have Web sites.
  musician perform 1.84   The musicians will perform their own music.
  musician say 1.84   For now the musicians say they are happy.
  musician make 1.65   Musicians make music.
  musician come 1.18   Local musicians come on for after-dinner entertainment.
  musician take 1.05   The musicians take seriously their role at the crusade.
  musician find 0.99   Far fewer musicians find themselves able to play full time anymore.
  musician use 0.99   Musicians have long used them to write songs.
  musician want 0.99   Not every musician wants to.
  musician do 0.92   Jazz musicians do it for love.
  musician get 0.86   The best musicians get their own recitals, because we honor them.
  musician know 0.86   Musicians have always known this.
  musician work 0.79   Many orchestra musicians have worked with La Selva for years.
  musician learn 0.72   Jazz musicians learn to improvise.
  musician go 0.66   Musicians sometimes go to entertain the homeless.
  musician live 0.66   No musicians live on the property.
  musician need 0.66   Musicians may need to learn part of a new language.
  musician agree 0.59   The musician agreed.
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