11.   Instead of having a volume knob, the multimedia monitor has digital buttons that seem to take forever to turn down the blasted sound.

12.   It has soft, rounded lines, and the monitor has a Swiss-cheese cutout design in place of the traditional slotted air ducts.

13.   LCD monitors have only one optimum, or native, resolution.

14.   Monitors have night lights, music and two-way communication.

15.   Monitors have a way of exploding when you try to do those things.

16.   Most monitors now have onscreen menus that guide you through tweaking and resizing the image.

17.   Oh, yeah, the monitor will have to go too.

18.   On Thursday morning U.N. officials, whose police monitors have the right to interview prisoners, said they had learned nothing.

19.   Of course, CRT monitors have no problem with blurry motion, making this a great game and movie-watching monitor.

20.   Samsung spokesman Michael Ingalls said the monitors have built-in stereo speakers and can be used as stand-alone television sets.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
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people 1.78%
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state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
monitor 0.03%
monitor + v. >>共 352
say 14.16%
be 13.77%
have 3.26%
report 3.20%
show 2.35%
accuse 1.63%
go 1.50%
oversee 1.31%
leave 1.31%
find 1.11%
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