monitor say 14.29   This, monitors say, remains a mystery.
  monitor be 13.89   The monitor is back.
  monitor have 3.29   The monitor has excellent resolution.
  monitor report 3.23   Independent monitors reported instances of multiple voting.
  monitor show 2.37   A computer monitor shows him the script.
  monitor accuse 1.65   Human rights monitors have accused the AUC of numerous abuses.
  monitor go 1.51   TV monitors went blank.
  monitor leave 1.32   The monitors left Baghdad on Wednesday.
  monitor oversee 1.32   The monitor will oversee the department for five years.
  monitor find 1.12   So what have the new monitors found?
  monitor observe 1.05   Thirty international monitors were observing the election.
  monitor try 1.05   He said monitors were trying to find out what was happening.
  monitor investigate 0.99   U.N. monitors were investigating the incident.
  monitor call 0.86   International monitors call for urgent action.
  monitor confirm 0.86   International police monitors confirmed the jail break.
  monitor remain 0.86   EC monitors remained in Croatia.
  monitor work 0.86   The monitors are working well.
  monitor certify 0.79   The monitors must certify that Baghdad is rid of weapons of mass destruction before the sanctions can be lifted.
  monitor do 0.79   What will proposed monitors do?
  monitor come 0.72   Some LCD monitors come with software that can be used to change the default settings.
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