11.   For sensitive guys like LaPaglia, anyway.

12.   For that to change, Jackson is going to have to get these guys to like each other and play defense, no easy tasks.

13.   Get the feeling this guy likes to talk?

14.   Guys like Duncan and Avery Johnson fall right in line.

15.   Guys like Elden Campbell.

16.   Guys like Tommy Morrison.

17.   Guys like Tracy Murray, Chucky Brown and Mario Elie.

18.   Guys will like the guy car, but I think girls will prefer the guy car, too.

19.   Guys like Herman Moore.

20.   Guys like Joseph Mankiewicz, George Stevens, Raoul Walsh, King Vidor, even Jacques Tourneur.

n. + like >>共 1687
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guy 0.82%
guy + v. >>共 884
be 25.09%
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make 1.89%
want 1.61%
know 1.54%
like 0.87%
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