11.   While the Shin Bet no longer tortures his clients, he said it keeps them incommunicado for longer periods in hopes of getting a confession.

v. + confession >>共 165
make 17.17%
extract 10.56%
sign 8.72%
retract 5.88%
obtain 4.59%
hear 4.50%
coerce 4.50%
recant 3.49%
withdraw 3.12%
force 2.66%
get 1.01%
get + n. >>共 1164
job 2.72%
help 1.70%
money 1.63%
attention 1.46%
chance 1.45%
call 1.33%
lot 1.27%
information 1.22%
ball 1.21%
boost 1.07%
confession 0.02%
每页显示:    共 11