11.   We sat contentedly, feet dangling, hoping Mother would take us on the streetcar instead of driving the Chevy.

12.   Fellow inmates saw Jemayel hanging by chains from the ceiling of the interrogation room, his feet dangling above the floor.

13.   His bare feet dangled off the end.

n. + dangle >>共 198
foot 4.35%
arm 4.35%
leg 4.35%
cigarette 3.01%
body 3.01%
wire 2.68%
earring 1.67%
line 1.34%
slab 1.34%
bulb 1.34%
foot + v. >>共 313
be 25.24%
touch 3.70%
slip 3.22%
fall 2.33%
hurt 2.25%
have 2.01%
get 1.69%
heal 1.53%
come 1.45%
feel 1.29%
dangle 1.05%
每页显示:    共 13